Sniper Training Program
- A brief description of the snipers professional nature.
- Sniping in general is fulfilling tactical, reconnaissance and fire missions by the sniper by moving to a position on a particular area of terrain to perform reconnaissance surveillance fire weapons (usually disguised), destruction of enemy personnel and the decommissioning of the elements (blocks) systems, control weapons, intelligence and communications opponent.
- This specific nature of the activity is due to the fact that:
- Destruction is the sniper’s most dangerous target and top-priority;
- All movements are carried out in close proximity by the enemy – in his body, or on the battlefield;
- all positions, the most suitable for surveillance and fire are usually either controlled by the enemy (are supervised and designed to cause fire damage), or are in places which are difficult to approach because of the nature of the terrain;
- Execution of tactical reconnaissance, support and firing tasks is in direct link to the natural environment.
Basic operations:
- These observations to determine the routes secretive movement detection, usually disguised infrastructure and weapon systems (elements or blocks of weapons control) of the enemy;
- Send and receive information using radio communication, voice and visual signals;
- Data preparation for shooting at the range defined by the terms of terrain and weather conditions;
- Destruction dangerous and important targets by fire in accordance with the tactical situation while providing possible masking on the firing position;
- Using software in masking and engineering equipment to monitor position and fire as possible to maintain combat effectiveness (life and security) in the face of strong enemy resistance and the impact of the environment.
The workspace is a position located on a site area or building (construction), equipped with the engineering of anti-detection and fire, away from weather factors effects, adjusted for surveillance, fire and life support.
Sniper Training Program (Basic Course)
The aim of this training is to impart students with solid professional knowledge and skills and develop their special qualities needed to perform the sniping, reconnaissance and special missions and help them in their further improvement;
This training will help in developing themselves to become familiar with new weapons and military equipment, and provide them with the knowledge and skills in carrying out their maintenance and get ready for combat use, with the implementation of safety requirements.
The program is designed to train 5-7 people together. The Duration of the program is – 27 days by 6 hours per day.
Theme 1.
Anthrotech System „human – weapons“, its components and characteristics. Characteristics of the external (social, natural and objective) environment, defining the terms of its functionality and efficiency.
Lesson 1. Lecture. Components of the Anthrotech System „Human-Weapons“ and its properties. Characteristics of a human shoots, as an integral
part of the system and its functions in it. The characteristics of the environment, determining the conditions of its functioning and
effectiveness. The characteristics and properties of the system „Human- Weapons“ and its components.
Theme 2.
Understanding the anatomy of the human body.
Physiological and biomechanical description of the movements of man-hands, when the techniques of shooting from small arms (sniper) weapons
Lesson 1. Lecture. The Anatomy of the human body. The structure of the skeleton, joints, skeletal muscles and their function in ensuring the
provision of movement and posture. The structure of the nervous system, how it works, the functions of central and peripheral nervous
Lesson 3. Lecture. Sensory Systems (analyzers). Types of analyzers. Mechanisms of motor control and maintain body posture. The role of analyzers
(sensors) in managing movements (Their coordination).
Lesson 4. Workshop. Types of analyzers and their role in information management and conservation movements and postures of the body.
Lesson 5. Lecture. Biomechanics of movement and static human body when performing techniques of shooting from small arms (sniper) weapons.
Lesson 6. Workshop. Physiological and biomechanical description of human – weapon motion.
Overview of internal and external rules of ballistics and wound ballistics
Lesson 1. Lecture. Ballistics, the science of the motion of projectiles (bullets) and its constituent parts. Internal ballistics. The phenomenon of the
shot. Processes and phenomena occurring in the barrel during firing. Intermediate ballistics. External ballistics. The trajectory of projectiles
(bullets), its elements and characteristics. The influence of external forces on the motion of projectiles (bullets).
Lesson 2. Lecture. The design of rifle ammunition. Physical, chemical and mechanical causes dispersion of bullets. Design and accuracy
characteristics of small arms, cartridges, capsules, powders, bullets, and their influence on the movement of a bullet in the barrel and
after it leaves it. The effect of the bullet’s shape on the trajectory of its flight. The concept of the ballistic coefficient.
Lesson 3. Lecture. The influence of external conditions on the muzzle velocity of the bullets and the trajectory of its flight. Standard conditions of
shooting. The calculation of the corrections for deviation of actual shooting conditions than the standard conditions.
Lesson 4. Lecture. The influence of external and weapons forces on the shooter. Action shooters, leading to an increase of dispersion and a
decrease in accuracy.
Lesson 5. Lecture. Wound ballistics. The effect of bullet ammunition on the human tissues and organs. The lethality of bullets on human beings.
Internal organs injuries incompatible with life, and the projection of these organs in the human body. Gunshot injuries, causing instant
death, shock effect that leads to death or immobilization of the opponent.
Lesson 6. Workshop. Fundamentals of ballistics rifle ammunition. The processes occurring during firing and their influence on the movement of
bullets in the weapons’ barrel, and after leaving the barrel. Factors influencing the dispersion of bullets and shooting accuracy.
Lesson 7. Workshop. Working with ballistic calculator SNIPER PRO 4000. The calculation of vertical and horizontal adjustments.
Theme 4
Technical Training. The device is: a sniper rifle. Adjusting parts and the mechanisms of their interaction. Optical devices.
Lesson 1. Lecture. Sniper Rifle. Its structure and characteristics. The barrel, the receiver, the bolt and the bolt group. The Stock. The influence of
the parts conditions of the rifle on the firing accuracy.
Lesson 2. Lecture. Cleaning the weapon after shooting. Service the rifle. Storing in constant readiness for use.
Lesson 3. Lecture. The Optical Scope, its purpose and fixing. The mechanisms of adjustments. Different optical sights. The angular sizes of sniping.
Aiming. Measuring distances using optical scopes and other optical devices. Maintenance of optical instruments.
Lesson 4. Practical Lesson. Setting the scope on the weapon. Zeroing the scope.
Theme 5.
Weapons training. Techniques and methods of firing.
Lesson 1. Workshop. Getting ready to fire. Various provisions for shooting and their characteristics. Ways of holding arms for precise shots from
different positions.
Lesson 2. Practical Lesson. Processing and production of descents. Accurate Shooting on the shooting simulator.
Lesson 3. Practical Lesson. Fight accurate shooting on the distance of 100 meters without the influence of external factors (closed area).
Lesson 4. Lecture. The concept of wind and its influence on the trajectory the bullet.
Lesson 5. Practical Lesson. Accurate shooting on 100 meters distance in open range. Reading wind flags. Aim-off in the wind.
Lesson 6. Practical Lesson. Calculation of corrections for shooting and how to use them in the scope
Lesson 7. Practical Lesson. Accurate shooting on the distance of 300 meters in open range.
Lesson 8. Practical Lesson. Determination of the target range without using the rangefinder. Shooting without amending the scope, manner of
removal of the aiming points. (24 Hours)
Lesson 9. Practical Lesson. Accurate shooting at ranges of 100 to 800 meters.
Theme 6.
Control Firing. Exercise Control Firings.
Lesson 1. Control. Finding your target in the field (range between 120 and 800 m). Calculating corrections for shooting, target engagement. The
target – figure.
Lesson 2. Control. Determination of the target range (range between 120 and 500 m) without using the rangefinder. Calculating corrections for
shooting, target engagement without amending the scope. The target – figure.
Konverze a doplňky
– V-AR
– Precision rifles
– Actions
– Rifle chassis
– Weapon accessories
– Shotgun accessories
– Surveillance kits
– Helmet electro-optic mounts
– Breaching and method of entry
Vojenský materiál
– Machine gun accessories
Taktické vybavení
Balistická ochrana
Taktické vesty
Polymerová pouzdra na zbraně
Potravinové balíčky
Batohy a nosné systémy